I don't know anymore guys....   I've been pushed down by something invisible. Maybe I'm giving up. It seems as if the world is so far away now... It seems as if My boyfriend doesn't care anymore, as if my friends don't care. The whole world I've known.... Has it been a lie? Does anyone actually care? Am I gullible enough to believe they do? Maybe it's just a game and the devil is the player. Maybe I'm just losing faith again. What if this is all just a dream and I have to find a way to wake up? No one really knows for sure. Whose to say that I'm awake? I feel pain awake or not. I've nightmares of things that have happened and what will. They all seem real enough to me. What if that's where I'm really awake and I'm asleep now... Maybe I should just end it.... Maybe I should.....

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